Your personal flood plan
Start preparing today before a flood happens. Use this checklist as your flood plan.
1. Know who to contact and how
• Agree where you will go and how to contact each other.
• Check with your council if pets are allowed at evacuation centres.
• Keep a list with all your important contacts to hand.
2. Think about what you can move now
• Don’t wait for a flood.
Move items of personal value such as photo albums, family films and treasured mementos to a safe place.
3. Think about what you would want to move to safety during a flood
• Pets
• Cars
• Furniture
• Electrical equipment
• Garden pot plants and furniture
• What else? …………………………………………………………………
Think about who you could ask for help / who you could offer to help, particularly vulnerable neighbours or relatives, in a flood.
know how to turn off your gas, electricity
and water mains supplies
4. Check your insurance cover
• Check your buildings and contents insurance policy.
• Confirm you are covered for flooding.
• Find out if the policy replaces new for old, and if it has a limit on repairs.
• Don’t underestimate the value of your contents.
5. Know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water mains supplies
• Ask your supplier how to do this.
• Mark taps or switches with stickers to help you remember.
6. Prepare a flood kit of essential items and keep it handy
• Copies of your home insurance documents.
• A torch with spare batteries.
• A wind-up or battery radio.
• Warm, waterproof clothing and blankets.
• A first aid kit and prescription medication.
• Bottled water and non- perishable foods.
• Baby food and baby care items.
Useful numbers
Your important flood telephone numbers.
Make a list, fill it out and keep this leaflet with your flood kit.
Environment Agency Floodline – 0345 988 1188
Quickdial number –
Local authority emergency helpline –
Insurance company 24-hour number and policy number –
Local radio station frequency for news alerts and weather updates –
Family and neighbours –
Work phone numbers –
Doctor’s surgery –
Local police station –
Vet/kennel/cattery –
Local hotel or B&B –
Gas supplier and meter number –
Electricity supplier and meter number –
Water supplier and meter number –
Electrician –
Plumber –
Builder –
Temporary flood protection equipment
Flood protection equipment can help stop flood water getting into your property. Follow manufacturer instructions to put these in place when you get a flood warning.
You can get more information about flood protection equipment in our ‘prepare your property for flooding’ leaflet on our website.
These fix to frames around windows and doors. They can be washed, stored and used again.
Always remove flood protection equipment once the flood water has gone. This will help your property dry out.
Plastic covers to seal airbricks
These can stop flood water coming in through your airbricks.
Your local council may provide these during a flood, but they may be scarce. You can buy your own sand and bags, or fill pillowcases and plastic bags with earth. Be aware that following a flood they will be contaminated by sewage in the water.
You can get more information about using sandbags on our website.
Further steps to protect your property
There are things you can do
to your property that will make it easier and cheaper to clean up after a flood. See list on page 22 of this booklet.